Have you ever been hired for a job where you weren’t quite sure what your role was? Or, you weren’t sure how you could impact the success of the company?

First impressions leave lasting impressions – with new hires, in particular. A first impression can impact a new hire’s longevity with the organization. When competencies are shared with employees, as part of onboarding, it helps to foster an understanding of how they can impact business objectives.

The first thing you must recognize is the difference between competencies and goals. Competencies define the knowledge, skills, abilities, and behaviors that lead to superior performance and also represent employee actions and behaviors necessary to perform specific job duties

A goal is generally set during a review process and is a benchmark, milestone, or accomplishment that is established for the employee to complete or achieve over a period of time (i.e. an annual sales goal, completion of a quarterly project, a professional certification). Goals must be quantified in order to be measurable. Consider using the S.M.A.R.T Model as the employee’s goals are being defined:

  • Specific– Link goals to a particular business objective
  • Measurable– Set goals you can access
  • Attainable– Ensure you have the resources to reach the goals
  • Relevant– Verify your goals have relevance to the stakeholders
  • Timely– Set meaningful time frames

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Published On: April 9th, 2020 / Categories: Hiring /

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